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Birth Doula

Fundamentally Sound:

For families planning their first birth or preparing for their first VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean)| $1,200


  • One (1) complimentary meet & greet with partner/spouse

  • Two (2) prenatal visits going over comfort measures and positions

  • Support and resources (pregnancy and postpartum)

  • Assistance with creating your birth plan

  • 24/7 on call support starting at 37 weeks gestation

  • Continuous labor support throughout active labor (up to 24 hours)

  • Support up to 2 hours immediately after birth

  • One (1) in home postpartum visit (60 minutes)

  • Unlimited phone and text support upon hire

  • Guidance on the best time to leave for intended birth site

  • Access to labor support tools

  • Push gift


Been There, Done That:

For families who have had a prior vaginal birth and are not planning their first VBAC| $975


  • One (1) complimentary meet & greet with partner/spouse

  • One (1) prenatal visit at 36 weeks to prep for birth and postpartum period

  • Support and resources (pregnancy and postpartum) if desired

  • Assistance with creating birth plan

  • 24/7 on call support starting at 37 weeks

  • Continuous labor support throughout active labor (up to 24 hours)

  • Support up to 2 hours immediately after birth

  • Guidance on the best time to leave for intended birth site

  • Unlimited phone and text support upon hire

  • Continued postpartum support via phone, text, or email as needed (up to 3 weeks after birth)

  • Access to labor support tools  

  • Push gift


*Add ons and hourly rates discussed as needed

**Option available for doula during labor only. Fees discussed as needed.

***Sliding scale fees and payment plans are available

Postpartum Doula

As your doula, I agree to provide non-medical physical, emotional, and informational support after the birth of your baby. I will help with self-care recovery, postpartum comfort measures, infant care, and parenting information, and will provide assistance with learning to feed and take care of your baby. I also will assist with breastfeeding (if desired). If something related to breastfeeding is beyond my scope, I can refer you to a lactation consultant.


My doula services will include preparing simple meals and snacks, getting drinks, and answering the phone and door if desired. The tasks I provide each day will depend on the priorities discussed together before beginning services and on your particular needs that day.


I am happy to provide some basic food preparation and light housework, which may consist of laundry for you and your baby, sweeping, picking up toys, dusting in areas, and kitchen clean-up (such as emptying the dishwasher and wiping countertops). I do not do major house cleaning tasks, such as mopping, washing windows, or yard work.


I do not diagnose any medical conditions for you or your baby. If you bring it to my attention or if I notice anything of concern, I will refer you to an appropriate healthcare provider.


I do not transport you or your baby, although I am available to ride with you if you need me to accompany you. I do not take overall care of your baby, but I can stay with the baby alone for short periods of time. My goal is to help you become confident and secure in your own abilities as a new mom and family.


I operate off of a sliding scale fee charge starting at $30/hour

End of Life Doula
  • Initial Consultation | $50


         This one-hour consultation can take place either in-person, phone, or via Zoom. This is a tailor-           made session in which we get to know one another and figure out how I can support you and               your family.


  • End-of-Life Document Organization | $300


         In this unique, 2-hour consultation we will meet to uncover and discuss all of the

         important end-of-life decisions. These are the wishes you have for how you will spend your

         last days and how your loved ones will complete your affairs after your death. This level of

         thought and organization is extremely helpful in tying up loose ends and offering you

         freedom to maximize your participation in life.


         First meeting includes the bulleted list below. Second meeting is to review and finalize

         formal plan.

              • End-of-Life Wishes—where and how you want to spend your final days, care and

                 treatment of your body, funeral/cremation/memorial decisions.

              • Advance Care Plans—who you will assign as durable power of attorney for

                 healthcare, your desires for life support, healthcare decision making, body/organ



  • Legacy Work | $300 and up


        (Independently or added to End-of-Life Support Plans) Doula will work with you and your                   support system to create and execute legacy projects. Legacy projects include things like letter         and card writing, video and voice recording, photo sessions, gathering of photos and                               memorabilia for memory books, and other creative endeavors. Legacy work

        helps deepen the exploration of the dying person’s life and creates a physical artifact to leave

        behind for loved ones.


  • In-person Doula Support | Hourly Rates $40-$100


        These visits are generally in-home or facility visits with the dying person and their loved

        ones but can also take place virtually if needed. End-of-life doulas provide non-

        medical, practical, personal, spiritual and emotional support. These visits are customized and               look different for everyone but generally include:


        Honoring and protecting the dying through patient advocacy, comfort care, guided

        meditation, creating and implementing a vigil plan, creating and implementing a sacred

        space through touch, scent, light and music therapy.


        Honoring and protecting the family through family advocacy, education of death and dying,

        resource sharing and respite for caregivers.


        Hourly rate includes: access to your doula electronically and by phone from 7a-10p; daily

        visits during active stage of dying and through death; bereavement and grief processing

        following death.


  • Body Care Support/Home Funeral Guidance | $50 per hour


        Post-death body care includes things like washing, anointing, dressing or shrouding. We can

        teach you to do these things and we can do it together or we can do it for your loved one.

        This sacred ritual is something we recommend whether you have a home viewing or not. In

        this case, it would be done before the body is removed from bed and taken to its final



Additional offerings: respite, death cafè, and bereavement support upon request


With your choice of hands on or hands off, you can look forward to experiencing a relaxing and calming guided meditation, aromatherapy of your choice, meditative or mood music, crystal and sound healing followed by the divine energy healing that is reiki.


No need to worry if you do not live in the same city, county, or even state as me. Reiki is offered in person or distance. That means that reiki can be performed over Zoom or FaceTime.


Sessions lasts approximately 50-60 minutes with a few minutes dedicated to getting to know not only your medical and energetic needs but to address any last minute questions or concerns that you might have.


Reiki sessions-$80

A $20 deposit is required upon scheduling.

Hit the More tab for more services offered

Areas of service for all services offered: Colorado Springs | Castle Rock | Fountain | Pueblo |Manitou Springs | Black Forest | Falcon| Monument | Lone Tree 

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